Recipe: Delicious Carrot spaghetti jollof reciepe2

Jumat, 11 Desember 2020

Carrot spaghetti jollof reciepe2. Making Jollof Spaghetti is almost the same as making the Nigerian Jollof Rice, I only add a little twist to this recipe to make it a more suited for Spaghetti. Note: My mixed vegetables consist of Carrots, Green Beans, and Sweet Peas but feel free to use any. Yes I know, you don't have to tell me to cover my face I am already doing it.

Carrot spaghetti jollof reciepe2 Very simple Spaghetti recipe for your family's breakfast , lunch or dinner. List of ingredients Carrots Spring onions Green bell peppers Red bell peppers. Jollof Spaghetti - Sierra Leone Flavours. You can have Carrot spaghetti jollof reciepe2 using 10 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Carrot spaghetti jollof reciepe2

  1. You need of Spaghetti.
  2. It's of Mai.
  3. Prepare of Tarigu.
  4. It's of Tattase.
  5. Prepare of Carrot.
  6. You need of Maggi.
  7. You need of Curry.
  8. It's of Nama.
  9. It's of Salt.
  10. It's of Albasa.

Sierra Leone recipe / West African recipe : This Jollof spaghetti aka Jollof pasta would be perfect to serve up at any party. Chicken and grated carrots add texture to this dish. This Chicken Carrot Spaghetti dish is a smart way to make your kids eat vegetables! It is high in vitamin A that maintains eye and skin health and reinforces the immune system.

Carrot spaghetti jollof reciepe2 step by step

  1. Dafarko zaki tafasa taliya intai kisauketa kisa jajjagen tarigu tattase,albasa,kidaura mai intai zafi ki juyeta kisa su carrot da maggi inta soyu kisa ruwa kadan kijuye taliyanki aciki.
  2. Carrot din kala uku zaki yanka nafarko zaki gogata a abin kubewa manya na biyu kuma kiyankata cube cube sena uku kiyankata round round zaibada kaloli har uku.
  3. Seyabada ma ana.

Jollof Spaghetti is quite easy to prepare and can be made with or without vegetables. In the recipe below, I'll show you how I prepare mine with common vegetables. To make the spaghetti, use the thick noodle blade on a spiraliser to create carrot and zucchini noodles. If you don't have a spiraliser, simply julienne the carrot and zucchini using a sharp knife. Ghana : Jollof Rice (Ghana Style).

